How Do You Stay Informed ? Living With FM & Chronic Fatigue

Your exhausted,confused,and hurt all over.Remember somthing? Ha Ha,not likely. But we must try to get better shouldn’t we? How do are tired minds absorb any new information when we can’t remember the old. It depends if you are still working or not. It takes all you’ve got to get thru a work day, then come home to kids,chores, and much more. You undoubtably get time off for the countless doctor’s,specialists,therapy,and much-needed time off. In 2006 I took 6 weeks of work off due to my Illness. You better have an understanding boss or you’re in the unemployment line. Fortunately ,I had a good boss, but you still wonder if he “believes in your Illness”and if he’s had enough of you taking the time off. Then what if you have vacation time? The time off was certainly not “vacation”,but for us it has to be financially. I strongly suggest disability insurance for everyone. You just never,ever,know.

For us that do not work anymore we can do research and appointments at a pace we can control. Make an appointment with a rumatologist, they are usually up on the latest med’s and research. It’s up to us to have an up to date prescription list with us at all times. Subscribe to news letters from the National Fibromyalgia Association,and The American Pain Foundation,as well as links that I have attached to my blog. You can go back a few months and read my posts, and reply to any one of them,as well as subscribe to it.

I think having the disease myself certainly gives everyone a first hand account of what we all go thru. Yesterday I ran out of my prescription Provigil, this helps keep me from falling asleep during the day. I have new insurance and they questioned the high dosage , it bounced back from the doctor to the pharmacist to the insurance company. It ended up it still could not be filled. The pharmacy called me back and said a dozen pills would cost me $234.00! By the end of it all I was wiped out.Any stress what-so-ever makes all my symptoms explode. Another reason I had to stop working,but now I can take care of myself better and get to understand this complex disease I have.

About fibromale

Im a 50yo male who is recently disabled. My goal in my "new life" is to share my experiences with everyone in hopes of helping ALL people with Fibromyalgia & Chronic fatigue. Its my understanding that 85% of people with Fibro are woman. I was diagnosed in 2009 after five years of every test know to man. I'm hoping thru regular posts,that people will comment & share their story.It can become a worldwide support group.
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