How Do We Find That Xtra Gear-Living With Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue


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When you’re hurting all the time and so exhausted your every movement is a blur, you often wonder how your going to make it thru another day. Chronic pain & fatigue is depressing as well as taxing on our bodies. Yet there are things to do,places to go,and our children demanding our attention and time.

I’ll tell you what people with these diseases will tell you; no matter how hard we try, and get set in our minds what we need to do, its like sometimes the energy expended getting our self ready to go is enough.

A friend of mine recently took the time to chat, seeing that I seemed a bit down.He knew of the pending divorce ,and my inability to work. He gave me a lecture on staying positive, joining a gym, doing sit-ups and push-ups to get the endorphins going in our body. I thanked him very much and told him I do walk,and do tai-chi. Staying positive is something I always was proud of. But he never knew of all the varying symptoms & diseases I actually had. And even when you explain it in detail, I believe they just don’t get it, or want to get it.

My point here is,we might find that extra gear sometimes. We might go on a cleaning spree,shop,walk,mow the lawn all in one day. But boy do we pay for it later. That gear is there in all of us, but for us with FM & Chronic Fatigue that comes with a hefty price tag. Knowing our limits is one thing, but when you absolutely need to get something done or be somewhere, we push it. We know we are doing it but what choice do we have, staying  active is healthy right? It’s also painful  & exhausting for us. Balancing the two is an art we try and do daily.

About fibromale

Im a 50yo male who is recently disabled. My goal in my "new life" is to share my experiences with everyone in hopes of helping ALL people with Fibromyalgia & Chronic fatigue. Its my understanding that 85% of people with Fibro are woman. I was diagnosed in 2009 after five years of every test know to man. I'm hoping thru regular posts,that people will comment & share their story.It can become a worldwide support group.
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